Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Rumours Songs: Back from the Dead over Thirty Years Later

      Like mentioned in a previous post, the 1976 Rumours album was a lyrical diary of break-ups and heartache.  To think, we will get in the car, tune in to our favorite classic rock station and turn the dial up full blast when we hear a song like "Go Your Own Way."  We are flying down the highway with one hand out the window and one hand tapping to the rhythm on our steering wheel.  We (badly...) sing the song with smiles on our faces not even realizing the pain that those five people had to endure just to create this classic masterpiece.
    Well slow down your cars and get to your closest music store, because there are even more songs on the Rumours: Deluxe Edition CD.    If you aren't in your cars then get on your computer (or stay on the computer for that matter) and visit this site at and get the CD for  around 25 dollars.  You might think this is pricey, but it is worth it.  It has all of the rough outtakes that we never got to listen to on the original album. Think that Rumours is just eleven songs?  You're dead wrong...try 18.

Stevie Nicks recording

    One of my favorite gems on this expansion CD is a song written by Stevie Nicks called Planets of the Universe.  The song resurfaced a good 25 years later when Nicks released a longer, less bitter version on her 2001 solo album titled Trouble in Shangri-La.  The reason Nicks decided to re-record this song is  because  while looking back on it, she realized that it was very bitter and pessimistic.  She didn't want to have her listeners feel hopeless after taking a listen to this song.  The song was originally titled No Light.  Seems dark don't you think?  As a listener, you must put yourself in this young woman's shoes.  She has just broken up with the love of her life and now must write and sing her feelings for the recording of her next album.  She isn't doing what most of us girls would do (  watch a funny movie, eat chocolate and then cry a little...) to get over a breakup.  She needs to sing and write this song not only for herself, but for the success of her bands next album.  How can a person write a song to gain success when they feel so beaten down?  And like stated in my first post, the recording of this album was not done in  a large studio.  It was done in a rather small studio.  Heart wrenching, awkward and uncomfortable to say the least...

    The video above is the song Planets of the Universe.  This is the piano demo version of the song and you can get this recording on the expansion CD.  Ill give you all a moment to play the clip above. Okay... Listen to it yet?? Ugh makes you want to break down and cry.  I can literally feel Nicks' pain on this song. The song is haunting with Nicks playing on piano.  The shakiness of the piano is in tune with the shakiness of her own voice.  You can hear the crack and quiver in her voice at mark 2:00 onward.  Turn your speakers up at the end.  You can hear her say "That is so intense..." Intense to say the least.    This song  sets the tone of what not only what she was going through in her own breakup with Lindsey Buckingham, but with what the other members of the band were going through as well.  This is just one extra bonus on the CD and it is my favorite.
Imagine singing this close to your ex.  Awkward.
              So I leave you with this.  Everyone who is reading.  BUY THIS EXPANSION CD!  It is so raw, real and human.  Even if you are a developing fan of this band, I encourage you to buy it.  I love listening to these rarities, because I feel like I am there with them. I feel as though I am there in the studio with the members of the band. Just taking Nicks' song as an example, I feel as though I am sitting next to her piano as she sings.  I am right there waiting for her to finish her song with a box of tissues and glass of wine in hand to help her get over that breakup that she had a few days earlier with Lindsey.  Getting the CD is the closest thing that there will ever be to the invention of the time machine.  After all, haven't you always wanted to go back in time? Pop this into your car's CD player and you will.


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